"How can I allow the best way for students to accomplish the learning objective?" One of the best ways for students to learn, according to the article, is to:
1) Help the student to establish with other students and the instructor. This helps the learner to build a community where they they feel a sense of belonging.
2) Allow for creative ways for students to express what they learned as long as it meets the criteria of the assignment. This provides a great way to differentiate instruction.
This article helps me to pay attention the various ways learners learn. These are:
1) Altier Learning -learn from everybody
2) Network Admin- facilitate learning
3) Concierge and Curtial Learning-direct students to where the resources are and let me explore. These also provides a little more direction.
I thought it was also interesting to note the study by Sugata Mitra where he placed the computer in a area where students had no computer skills and within a few days these students had learned the computer basic skills on their own. Even if a student has never experienced a blended learning environment or have very little computer skills, a learner has the ability to gain the necessary skills to do well in a blended environment.
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